All pictures in this book were taken by my mobile phone between 2008-2018. None of them was planned, there was no me- thod in it, I was just taking out pieces of my everyday, which impacted and inspired me. It certainly is a story about small-town Poland - the mayority of them were ta- ken in the area where I come from, the district of Tarnow- skie Góry. Those photo frames are also (or maybe even more) a reflection of my thoughts, opinions and emocio- nal states. At the same time it is also a journey to a place in my head. This part of the narrative is conducted in pa- rallel thanks to Łukasz’s verses. His words are very close to what I am trying to tell by my photographs. Kamilia with her sensivity has discovered the form, connected the dots and added lines and thanks to that creations emerging next to one other over the years the began to rhyme. Kamila and Łukasz also come from there.
Tam skąd pochodzę
Photography: Bartłomiej Zylla / Text: Łukasz Loskot / Composition and graphic concept: Kamila Mika / Translation: Anna Chromik